Friday, 27 March 2009

House M. D. - 2.19 House vs. God

House: Faith - that's another word for ignorance, isn't it? I never understood how people could be so proud of believing in something they have no proof of at all. Like that's an achievement.
Boyd: God's asking for our trust. You can't love somebody and not trust them.
House: Trust has to be earned.

House: You know I get it, people are just looking for a way to fill the holes. But they want the holes, they want to live in the holes. And they go nuts when somebody else pours dirt in their holes.

House: Isn't it interesting that religious behavior is so close to being crazy we can't tell it apart.

House: You don't think God should get a point knocked off?
Chase: The tumor shrank.
House: Because of a virus.
Chase: Do you know what the odds are? She had to have the right type of cancer, he had to have the right type of virus, the exposure---
House: She won the lottery.
Chase: You say she won the lottery, he says, miracle.

Ah, the eternal argument. Самое печальное, что никакого единодушия быть не может. Какие могут быть аргументы, когда ты ему одно, а он тебе - а я верю. С другой стороны, если верна теория о том, что человечество взрослеет подобно ребенку, и что сейчас оно находится примерно в стадии тинейджерства, то кто знает, может, и будет единодушие. Но скорее всего, я до этого не доживу. А жаль.

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