Friday, 27 March 2009

House M. D. - 4.10 It's A Wonderful Lie

Ого. Есть еще порох в пороховницах! Такой эпизодище забацали! Причем абсолютно без претензий, но какие тирады от Хауса! На 2 темы эпизода (wow, эпизод сразу с двумя отличными темами!) Не могу не.

About Christmas
Dr. Kutner, who told you that it would be a good idea to put up superficial representations of a hypocritical season celebrating a mythical figure?

The notion of picking one time of the year to be decent to other people is obscene, because it’s actually validating the notion of being miserable wretches the rest of the year.

Gifts allow us to demonstrate exactly how little we know about a person and nothing pisses off a person more than being shoved in the wrong pigeon hole.

About Lying
HOUSE: White lies?
JANE: What are those?
HOUSE: Those are lies we tell to make other people feel better.
JANE: I don’t lie.
HOUSE: Rationalizations?
JANE: What are those?
HOUSE: Those are lies we tell to make ourselves feel better.
JANE: No, we don’t-
HOUSE: [cuts her off] Lies of omission?

HOUSE: It’s child abuse.
WILSON: Honesty?
HOUSE: There’s a reason that everybody lies. It works. It what allows society to function, it’s what separates man from beast.
WILSON: Oh, I thought that was our thumbs.
HOUSE: You wanna know every place your mom’s thumb has been?
WILSON: I’m sorry I missed rehearsal. Am I taking the “truth is good” side? Don’t you usually take that side?
HOUSE: Lies are a tool, they can be used either for good… No wait, I got a better one. Lies are like children. Hard work, but they’re worth it. Because the future depends on them.

HOUSE: I saw something amazing.
[Wilson looks at him, intrigued.]
HOUSE: Pure truth. She told her mother that she was dying. Stripped her of all hope.
WILSON: That sounds… horrible.
HOUSE: It’s like watching some… bizarre astronomical event that you know you’re never going to see again.
WILSON: [unconvinced] You tell people the cold hard truth all the time. You get off on it.
HOUSE: Because I don’t care. She cared. She did it anyway. [frowns for a second] She did it because she cared.
WILSON: [nods sarcastically] The angels of Christmas have finally given House a present he can appreciate.
HOUSE: Oh, don’t ruin it. Don’t pin this on Christ, he’s got enough nails in him.

Random Quote
KUTNER: Who’s that from?
HOUSE: Santa, obviously. ‘Cause you know I worship him. [pauses and frowns] No wait, I mean Satan. I always get them confused.
И куча других классных шуток, ото всех. Long story short, эпизод - супер, смотрится на одном дыхании и оставляет желание пересмотреть.


yankee2d said...

Мда, сценаристы в Хаусе просто гении.
Я запоем досмотрел уже до конца. Теперь мучаюсь - серии сильно редко выходят. Как будто в пустыне тебе по капельке в час в рот воду льют.

Natalia said...

ага, раз в неделю, а ведь так весь цивилизованный мир живет. это мы, варвары, каждый день сериалы можем смотреть )))

yankee2d said...

это они варвары
а мы оптимизируем трудо-нервозатраты.
Мы же всё равно любим Хауса не меньше тех, которые его ждут неделями...