Thursday, 23 April 2009

House M. D. - House M.D. :) Part 2 or The New Stuff

Странно все это, но вот уже около месяца никак не могу собрать мысли в кучку. Так, приходят в голову какие обрывки, идеи, а общей картины не складывается.
Но "красной нитью" проходит тема misery. I can SO connect to that. I always have my best thoughts when I'm miserable. Misery makes you think, makes you look past the lies and question conventions. Content people don't have time to think. They are too busy being content. They spend their time entertaining themselves into more happiness. And i mean entertainment in a very broad sense. Basically everything that doesn't lead to personality development. Notice how they say 'what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger'. Misery, supposedly, makes you stronger. Happiness doesn't. Happiness makes you spoiled. Misery pushes you over yourself. You sublimate, you compensate. When you are content you don't have anything to sublimate. Your energy goes into your happiness. Misery directs your energy elsewhere.
I'm not saying it's better to be miserable. Or i do, in the sense that it makes you a better, more intersting, more questioning person. But of course you suffer emotionally. Which is never good. But i'm guessing, people who have known profound misery will have enough issues to ever be so content as to stop thinking.
So there. I don't feel like explaining what House has to do with it. Those who've seen it know, those who don't - i've said what i wanted to say.

The only other point i'd like to make is this whole 'manners' thing, the brutal honesty, the saying-whatever-you-want-to-say. It's pretty much ok reflected in the series: despite every outrageous thing he says or occasionally does they keep him because he's a genious. A genious can do whatever. His geniousness relieves him of the standard standards. If, say, i were to be myself completely, if i, at a certain point of my life, didn't make a conscious decision to adjust to the standards of the society, i would pretty much be a nothing by this time. No friends, no job, no social life whatsoever. But him being a genious, people will still stick around. Plus, he only cares about a couple of people, because at that level of misery you certainly don't care of pleasing random people just to fulfil the 'social contract'. So first, he 'has the right', and second, he doesn't care. And he gets away with not caring because he has the right.
Did someone say something about people being equal? Like hell they are.

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